Nitzan, a young girl who feels out of step with her life, wants nothing to do with anyone. After behaving badly during an event at high school, she boards a bus and wishes only to be left alone for...more >
In an foreboding city, in which no one knows and no one cares, there is a young man who draws out the pain from others. He is a dishwasher in a restaurant, completely unnoticed. But as the manager...more >
Niro, a farmer, settler drop out and musician who has always related more to the Arab way of life than the Jewish one, wplows with his female donkey and supports himself by playing Arab music in the...more >
A noisy disturbance from some youths on the street erupts into Noni and Tamar’s home, shattering their evening. The violence that ensues raises questions for both of them about fear and ethics,...more >