After winning the Student Film Competition of the Nashville Jewish Film Festival, USA, "Life After Death" by Yinnon Weil will be screened at the...more >
The two documentary shorts, "Not With Us" by Elyasif Barad and "Yisrael is Lovesick" by Yisrael Tohn Rigler, will be screened atTwin Cities Jewish...more >
"Fatman" by Yisrael Rohn Rigler is the only Israeli film that has been accepted to San Diego International Kids' Film Festival, which will take...more >
"The Boy Who Cried Fox, " by Netanel Fish, won the Audience Choice for International Short at the Jersey Shore Film Festival' which took place in...more >
"Girl No. 60427" is to screen at Lucas International Children's Film Festival in Frankfurt Germany. The festival will take place 3-10 October 2024...more >
The films "Yisrael is Lovesick" by Yisrael Rohn Rigler, "Neseh" by Shmuel Elmaleh and "Girl No. 60427" by Shulamit Lifshitz and Oriel Berkovits...more >
"Girl No. 60427" by Shulamit Lifshitz and Oriel Berkovits has been accepted to the "Religion Today" film festival, which will take place 19-25...more >
"One Look From Above" by Nati Avital, "Odelle" by Rotem Bouskila, "The Gun" by Shaya Chesner, "The Source of All Beauty" by Rachel Lévy, "Neseh"...more >