Noa, a young girl trying to protect herself from the predator who roams freely around her home, tries to keep up appearances and seem happy in order not to undermine the innocence of her mother and younger sister. One night, when Noa relaxes her guard and finds herself exposed to danger, she manages at the last minute to escape from her house and seek refuge outside. Only then does she realize that her actions have transferred the danger to her younger sister.
Lyons Prize for Best Student Film - Jerusalem Foundation 2019
Toronto Jewish Film Festival, Canada, 2019
Siloe Film Festival, Italy 2019
Festival du Cinema Israelien de Montreal, Canada, 2019
Widescreen International Student Competion, UK 2019 - Best Narrative Film, International Category
Female Voices Rock, USA, 2019
Montogomery International Film Festival, USA 2019
Popoli e Religioni, Italy 2019
Greater Pheonix Jewish Film Festival, USA, 2020: Third Prize, Student Film Competition
Through Women's Eyes, USA 2020
Davis Feminist Film Festival, CANADA 2020
Jersey Shore Film Festival, USA, 2020
Joyce Forum, San Diego Jewish Film Festival, USA, 2020
32nd Girona Film Festival, Spain, 2020
Cine Fem, Uruguay 2021